Which Phone is More Bulletproof? Samsung Galaxy vs iPhone

Video Source | EverythingApplePro

What is the exelentphone  can’t destroy by bullet? Galaxy or iphone

Today with this modern word there’re different kind of phones.among them Samsung galaxy & I phones are special. People who want to use a very good smart phone lot of them use a galaxy or I phone.now we are going to saw you  a test for check the good phone.

In this table there,re I phones & Samsung galaxy phones. And did you see the different of it’s.
We use the phones & air fifteen gun.  People who can shoot cleverly used to shoot to this phones. First we shooted to I phones & galaxy phones by using this powerfull gun. Did you see how it is harmful for galaxy phone & how it’s harmful to I phone?

Next use the anotherpowerfull gun & bullet. you can see the galaxy phone is damaged very badly.awesome the some of I phones work yet also.specialy I phone 6.

Then use the lot of guns to shoot this. Now you can see all of Samsung galaxy phones are fell down & they couldn’t the balance bullet. but one of I phone is balanced the bullet.

How ever finally we can decide the one thing. I phones can balance the bullets which you shoot than the Samsung galaxy phones.